While English is enough to understand and be understood when in Hawaii, knowing a few words from the Hawaiian language will make your stay more fun and interesting. Here are some of the most commonly used Hawaiian words and phrases that you can add up to your vocabulary and make you feel at home when mingling with the locals:
A Hui Hou - Until we meet again
Aloha - a very versatile word that could mean hello and goodbye, welcome and farewell, and love!
Aloha nui loa - with very much love
Hale - a house
Hana - work
Hana Hou - encore, do it again, repeat, once more
Haole - a foreigner, often referring to a Caucasian
Hau'oli Makahiki - Happy New Year
Hau'oli La Hanau - Happy Birthday
Heiau - a Hawaiian temple, place of worship or sacred ground
Honu - sea turtle
Hula - native dance of Hawai'i
Kai - sea
Kahuna - priest, minister or expert any any profession
Kama`aina - native born or local resident of Hawaii
Kane - man
Keiki - child or children
Lanai - Aside from the Hawaiian island, this word also refers to a porch, balcony or veranda
Lani - heaven
Lanikai - heavenly seas
Lei - necklace made of flowers, leaves, nuts and/or shells, used in welcoming or honoring people
Lua - restroom; could also mean crater
Lu`au - a Hawaiian feast or party
Mahalo - thank you
Makai - a direction which means "towards the sea"
Malihini - Someone who is a visitor, guest, or newcomer to the islands
Mauka - a direction which means "towards the mountains"
Mele Kalikimaka - Merry Christmas
Nani - beautiful
No Ka Oi - the best, none better
Ohana - family
Ono - delicious
Pali - cliff(s)
Pau - finished or done (pau hana means done with work)
Poi - crushed taro root, made into a sticky paste
Wahine - woman
Wakea - sky
Wikiwiki - speedy, quick
Ua - Rain
So start brushing up on your Hawaiian and le'a le'a (have fun) in the islands!