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Waimea Canyon - The Grand Canyon of the Pacific

Waimea CanyonDubbed as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, Waimea Canyon measures approximately ten miles (16 km) long and up to 3,000 feet (900 m) deep.  It is located on the western side of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands.

Waimea means "reddish water" in Hawaiian, a reference to the erosion of the canyon's red soil. The canyon was formed by a deep incision of the Waimea River arising from the extreme rainfall on the island's central peak, Mount Wai'ale'ale, among the wettest places on earth.

Formed by the steady process of erosion and the catastrophic collapse of the volcano that created Kaua'i million of years ago, a magnificent landscape emerges. The deep canyon gashes in the landscape are akin to claw marks of some gigantic prehistoric creature. The play of light and shadow throughout the day on the colorful striated layers of rock will surely awe any spectator.

The jaw-dropping splendor of the Waimea Canyon is truly a must-see destination when you are in Hawaii!

Waimea Canyon Photo Gallery

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